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Showing posts from July, 2018


KARMA -  "Karma shiddhanth"  or "Theory of karma"  is Hindu concept . KARMA mean things what we doing it is good or bad,. good things calls as "Satkarma" and bad things "dushkarma". In deeply we know that KARMA follows us in our many re-births, in case we done good KARMA in current exist  than we get better life in upcoming incarnation, also it cause to wealth,health,prosperity.


Chak ras basically calls " saptachakra"   in sanskrit sapta means seven and chakra means wheel or circle. Chakras is concept of ancient Hinduisum, they mentioned seven spots on our body where our power of life comes, chakras starts from lower part of Spinal  or root, to  crown head of our body. Mōlādhāra,svadhistāna,manipura,anāhata, Vishuddhi,ajna,sahsrāra these are seven chakras.